This is one of the busiest units of the hospital with a very rapid turnover. Department is staffed with highly experienced specialists rendering inpatient and outpatient services for a wide range of medical illnesses in a caring and friendly environment.
Regular teaching ward rounds and other academic activities are major features of the department including, Intensive Review and Clinical courses for post graduate examinations. In addition to this, the department is actively involved in arranging seminars and symposia on common and important topics in general medicine involving general practitioners and other medical staff for continuation of medical education.
The Department of Medicine has a structured training program for undergraduate medical students including regular lectures, small group discussion and clinical teaching.
Facilities available at the department include 96 beds, 8 rooms for outdoor patients, consultant rooms, departmental library, tutorial rooms for students, audiovisual system and measures to deal with fire and safety.
Department of internal medicine is recognized by PMDC and CPSP. Currently 34 postgraduate students are under training at the department for FCPS and MD medicine and candidates from other departments also come regularly for training in general medicine on rotational basis. Three batches of Shaikh Khalifa Bin Sultan Medical and Dental Collage have been graduated up till now and new graduates join our department again for completion of their house jobs.

Prof. Dr. Zia Ullah
Head Department of Medicine
Contact No: 042-35865731-2275
No of publications: 12
Interests: Diabetes and infectious diseases

Prof. Dr. Azeem Taj
Contact No 042-35865731-2207
No of Publications: 18
Interest: Diabetes, Endocrinology, Infectious diseases, medical research

Dr. Muhammad Uthman Ahmed
Assistant Professors
Contact No 042-35865731-
No of publications:
Interests: Endocrinology and infectious diseases

Dr. Alia Ali
Assistant Professors
Contact No: 042-3586573-2466
No of publications: 4
Interests : Diabetes

Dr. Uzma Nasim Siddiqui
Senior Registrar
Contact No: 042-3586573-2294
No of publications: 5
Interests: Medical education and research, diabetes , HIV