List of registered trials conducted by the faculty of SZPGMI:

- Honey & Nigella Sativa Trial Against COVID-19 (HNS-COVID-PK) NCT04347382

- Effect of Apple Cider Vinegar in Type 2 Diabetics - NCT03593135

- Comparison of immunosuppressive therapy with or without eltrombopag for aplastic anemia

- Myofascial Release With and Without Support Belt for Sacroiliac Joint Pain in Pregnant Females - NCT05857839

- Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Functional Capacity in Patients With Heart Failure - NCT05005702

- Effectiveness of Thinking Healthy Program for Prevention of Antenatal Depression (PAD) - NCT04663243

- mHealth App Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence NCT04577157

- Outcomes in Lower Pole Kidney Stone Management Using Mini-PCNL Compared With Retrograde Intra Renal Surgery - NCT05714423

- Implementation & Feasibility Study of Patients With Dysarthria Following Stroke & Their Carers in Pakistan - NCT04427670

- Photographic Analysis of Soft Tissue Facial Profile in Patients With Class II Malocclusion (STFP) - NCT02000557

- Effect of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment on Streptococcus Mutans Count in Saliva of Pregnant Women (ART) - NCT01655732

- Effect of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy on Serum Albumin Levels of Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis Therapy - NCT01641757

- Role of Alprazolam in the Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome (A-ACS-PK) - NCT04715269

- Efficacy of Subcutaneous Ivermectin With or Without Zinc in COVID-19 Patients (SIZI-COVID-PK) - NCT04472585

- An Observational Study of Mircera (Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol-epoetin Beta) in Anemic Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (NORM) - NCT01417377

- An Observational Cohort Study in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Receiving Pegasys - NCT01011738